Techno Days Goal

The goal of our Techno Days is to create an atmosphere where teachers can collaborate, share, and learn new ideas that will encourage us to become 21st learners ourselves. Our hope is that you will walk away excited about using a new technology tool in your classroom after each workshop session.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


What is Podcasting?

A podcast is simply a fancy name for an audio file. You can create a podcast about any topic. All you need in order to create a podcast is a computer, a microphone, and some audio recording software.

Podcasting tools

1. Audacity - - This is a free open-source software that can be downloaded and installed to create podcasts

2. LAME file - or - You will need this file in order to save your audacity audio file as an mp3 file.

3. Podbean - - This is a FREE podcasting hosting website

4. VoiceThread - - This is a FREE tool that allows users to upload video, record audio, add still images, and create a digital story by mashing all of the elements all together.

Examples of Red Oak Middle School student VoiceThreads

5. Glogster - - This is a FREE tool that allows users to mash up various media, tying together video, audio, still images, test, animations, and graphics.

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