A podcast is simply a fancy name for an audio file. You can create a podcast about any topic. All you need in order to create a podcast is a computer, a microphone, and some audio recording software.
Podcasting tools
1. Audacity - http://audacity.sourceforge.net - This is a free open-source software that can be downloaded and installed to create podcasts
2. LAME file - http://lame.sourceforge.net/ or http://slis.uiowa.edu/~fuhr/multimedia/lame_enc.dll - You will need this file in order to save your audacity audio file as an mp3 file.
3. Podbean - http://www.podbean.com/ - This is a FREE podcasting hosting website
4. VoiceThread - http://voicethread.com - This is a FREE tool that allows users to upload video, record audio, add still images, and create a digital story by mashing all of the elements all together.
Examples of Red Oak Middle School student VoiceThreads
- voicethread.com/share/1690320/
- voicethread.com/share/1687927/
- voicethread.com/share/1680864/
- voicethread.com/share/1688342/
- voicethread.com/share/1690850/
5. Glogster - www.glogster.com - This is a FREE tool that allows users to mash up various media, tying together video, audio, still images, test, animations, and graphics.